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    Tennessee River, Kentucky Lake Area
    Right across the bridge from Camden, Tennessee

    The SharpeWorks Team

    Marsha Hatch

    Founder & Creative Director

    As a marketing manager for Bausch&Lomb’s Polymer Technology for nearly five years she was a lead player in a marketing team that staked a leadership position for the Boston brand of RGP contact lenses – rolling out three major products in three years. After starting her own business in 1994, she has worked consistently with clients to maximize their brand power.

    Marsha has instructed graphic design related courses at New England School of Art & Design, a division of Suffolk University, at University of New Hampshire’s Continuing Ed program, The Printing Industry of New England and has been a guest speaker at The Graphic Artists Guild in Boston and the Council for Secondary Education in Montreal. She is a past member of the board of directors at McIntosh College Graphic Arts Program and served on the community board for Portsmouth Pro-Musica.

    Prior to working for Bausch & Lomb she spent six years as art director for Woodland Graphics in Bedford, Massachusetts. In that role, she managed a staff of twenty and worked for clients which have included:Automatix, Raytheon, Mercury Computer, Progress Software, P.W. Minor Shoes, Harvard Business School, Northeastern, Notre Dame University, Lasell University, InfoCom and Ionics.

    Phone : 603-534-5541

    David Goolkasian

    Former Designer & Creative Director

    Goolkasian holds a B.S.S.P. degree with Honors in advertising and communications from Emerson College in Boston. Additionally, he was lead singer, performer and songwriter for The Elevator Drops – Arista Records and toured the US during the late 90’s.

    Goolkasian’s education, unique background and musical creativity dovetails beautifully to offer brilliant creative and multimedia concepts. His work ethic is impeccable, his sense of style – unique and memorable.

    Goolkasian loves advertising and views it as an under-appreciated art-form.

    David’s attention to detail and easy-going steadfast approach to client management lends much to the SharpeWorks offering.