Liberty Mutual

SoLites by Easy Street

Identity, Shoebox, Marketing and POP.


ALS Therapy Alliance

The metaphor for this brochure was baseball: assembling a world-class research team, practicing all the right plays, constant vigilance, training and then with some luck or by the grace of God discovering a cure for ALS. Sometimes we are fortunate to work on projects and with clients who live to heal. If you are familiar with ALS, Lou Gerhig’s disease, then you know that any efforts to spread the word to help raise funds to cure this deadly disease is a blessing. If you are unfamiliar with the disease read about it here and read about one of the pioneers in searching for its cure. Dr. Brown is a dedicated servant in the search for a cure.  Read here



Vigilant Catalog

Vigilant Prestige Brochure

Vigilant Inc., designs, manufactures and installs premier wine cellars, cabinets for residential dwellings as well as commercial establishments. They offer the ability to design your wine cellar online. As a more tangible, follow up mailing to people interested in significant wine cellars, a prestige direct mail piece was designed. One of its goals was to reflect the attention to detail, quality and customer service that Vigilant offers.



VIDEO – How to Dye Wedding Shoes

This is an instructional video we art-directed for our client: Benjamin Walk Corporation and one of its subsidiaries

This is a step-by-step video illustrating to (Bridal Stores and Bridal Boutiques)  the steps and the ease of  dyeing satin shoes.

Dyed satin shoes for weddings, proms and any special occasions are a wonderful way to use color to tell a story, to accessorize with creative prowess—to make an event memorable and unique.

There are many places to get your shoes professionally dyed. is one of the most reliable places on the earth, since the owners have been dyeing shoes for years and years.